
Throughout the year, ROSSETI and its employees provided support for environmental campaigns.

In cooperation with WWF Russia, the Company conducted a campaign to save the Atlantic walrus from extinction: raised funds were used to buy and install camera traps to count the number of Atlantic walru­ses, reveal the structure of the population, and collect information on the formation of rookeries.

On March 29, 2014, the ROSSETI Group joined Earth Hour, a worldwide movement organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature. This move was dictated by the energy sector’s concerns about nature and limi­ted resources of the planet.

On International Energy Saving Day, November 11, the Energy Efficiency Motor Rally in the Oryol Region. The campaign was organized by employees of IDGC of Centre, a subsidiary of ROSSETI, who told children about the energy saving principles and energy-efficient technologies and gave them a ride on an electric car, the vehicle of the rally. The project brought together more than 2,500 schoolchildren from 24 schools.

The Company supported All-Russian Forest Planting Day. As part of the campaign, energy workers planted over 80,000 trees in 73 regions where the Company operates.

In the reporting year, the ROSSETI Group conducted the environmental campaign “My City. My Park. My Contribution.” During the Company’s employees planted 226,120 saplings in parks all over Russia.

Dedicated to Great Patriotic War Victory Day, the first environmental campaign “From Energy Workers to Moscow!” took place in Moscow. The campaign was conducted in Sokolniki Park on the city’s day of volunteer work, April 26. Over 300 employees of ROSSETI’s exe­cutive arm, together with their colleagues of subsidiary MOESK, restored the historic Maysky Prosek alley. In the park, the Company’s employees and their family members planted more than 3,000 perennial shrubs and trees. Therefore, this continued the tradition of plan­ting trees in energy workers’ alleys in Moscow. The first alley was established in Victory Park in 2012.